“After being misdiagnosed for 2.5 years, I finally found the right surgeon who recognized and repaired 2 tears in my rotator cuff and 1 tear in my labrum. I did 4.5 months of physical therapy with Sean, who is the best! He is knowledgeable and personable. I am back to a full range of motion, regaining strength daily, and have a better understanding of how to avoid future injuries. Thanks so much Sean and SOPT!!”

– Pamela

At Specialized Orthopedic Physical Therapy, we do more than just treat sports injuries. You see, all of our PTs are athletes themselves, so they understand intimately what is at stake for your high school and collegiate athlete.

Time is critical

Every athlete wants to get back into the game to support his or her teammates, to compete for scholarships and championships, to be scouted by the pros. So we get you into the office immediately following your injury so we can diagnose and prescribe the right treatment as quickly as possible for a speedy recovery.

Prudence is necessary

While every athlete wants to jump back in as quickly as possible, we know that the top priority is long-term physical health. A few glory years on the field are not worth a lifetime of chronic pain and injuries. This is why we take the time to talk with you and your child, athlete to athlete, about the important decisions that need to be made regarding the injury, treatment, and continued play.

Future health is the goal

As long-time athletes, we know what the strains look like over the decades. This makes us particularly well-suited to help your child understand both the immediate and the long-term impact of the injury on his or her future health and well-being. We prescribe a PT regimen with the goal of establishing a lifetime of healthy physical activity.

Common Baseball Injuries

Baseball injuries can affect players from the Little Leagues right up through high school, college, and the Major Leagues. And while there are some injuries common to batters, most baseball injuries are overuse injuries associated with throwing. Naturally, pitchers are highly susceptible.

At Specialized Orthopedic Physical Therapy, treating throwing injuries is a specialty of ours and we’ve developed a comprehensive program for local baseball players that not only rehabilitates, but also strengthens young players so they play with better mechanics to avoid injuries in the future.

  • Rotator Cuff Tears: impingement and tearing of the tendons that connect the four muscles of the shoulder blade to the humerus (long upper arm bone) typically caused by repetitive overuse. Pain is often felt not only when lifting the arm and throwing, but also when lying down on the affected shoulder.
  • Labral Tear: tearing of the ring of fibrocartilage deep in the shoulder joint that creates the socket. Many pitchers describe a “catching” feeling with pain as the “ball” joint moves around and becomes unstable.
  • Muscle Sprains and Strains: overstretched muscles in the back, legs, and arms caused by overuse. Common injury to all players that causes pain, muscle spasms, and muscle weakness. May see signs of bruising, swelling, or inflammation in the area.
  • UCL Injury: straining of the ulnar collateral ligament that stabilizes the medial elbow joint. Pain on the inner portion of the elbow may cause stiffening of the joint making it difficult to extend the arm fully.
  • Dead Arm: fatigue of the shoulder muscles through overuse causes instability in the joint. Players will often feel the strain as the joint stops operating the way it should.
  • ACL and MCL injuries: injuries to the ligaments that stabilize the knee, sometimes resulting in tearing. Players will often feel a “popping” sensation as they run the bases or slide.

Is it Time for my Child to See a PT?

  • Quick diagnosis and treatment of an injury speeds your recovery time in most instances. Because most sports injuries are caused by overuse, extended periods of strain, and improper mechanics, identifying the injury is the first step to a full recovery.
  • Getting an immediate consultation with your PT allows us to diagnose the problem and quickly determine the severity of the injury. However, the idea of stopping all activity is rarely a popular decision with the athlete, so he or she may attempt to hide their injury from you.
  • Because our primary goal is the future health and well-being of our patients, we want to see your child as soon as you notice certain symptoms of strain and possible injury. These might include:
    • Limping or difficulty walking
    • Discomfort when sitting for prolonged periods
    • Stiff legs or knees when getting up
    • Unusual weakness while trying to lift or carry something
    • Pain strong enough to require pain medication more than 2 days in a row
    • Reduced physical performance

Remember, to see a physical therapist, you do NOT need to first see your PCP and receive a referral (unless your health insurance policy dictates otherwise). You have the right to see any PT you choose for treatment of your pain and injuries. Feel free to call our office and we can help you determine if a PCP referral is needed. (401) 384-6490