Warwick Patient of the Month – February

by Specialized Orthopedics February 02, 2021
February Patient of the Month - Warwick

Jacklyn Ohara originally developed excruciating back pain in June 2020 the day after running 20 miles as she was training for a marathon.  She tried to treat the pain with conservative treatments such as rest, medication, and other Musculo-skeletal modalities which proved to be unsuccessful.  After seeing a specialist an MRI was ordered and it was discovered that she had an infection and abscess in her L1 vertebrae (osteomyelitis).  This required her to go on complete bedrest and IV anti-biotics for 6 weeks.  Jacklyn was given a clean bill of health in October and began her rehabilitation process by attending physical therapy near her home. Unfortunately, after 6 weeks, she had not improved and was feeling worse.  She returned to her PCP, who recommended she make an appointment with Jason Ulisse, PT at Specialized Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Warwick.

After a thorough evaluation with Jason, it was determined that a Jacklyn would benefit from comprehensive manual therapy to help relieve broad and diffuse muscle spasm throughout her core musculature and complement that with specific re-integration of deep abdominal muscles known as her Transverse Abdominus (TrA).  Once she was able to engage her TrA properly, she was then progressed to various postural strengthening techniques and exercises over an 8-week period with increasing intensity.  After 6 weeks Jacklyn was able to squat, lunge, stoop, and even jog without pain or restriction!  More importantly Jacklyn felt like her life had been given back to her and she is back to exercising 5-6 days per week without restrictions.  As Jacklyn’s conditioning improves, Jacklyn would like to consider training and running for another marathon!

Here is what Jacklyn had to say about her experience at SOPT:

“When I started at SOPT back in November 2020, I was physically and emotionally at rock bottom. I was exhausted from being in chronic pain for six months and I was beginning to lose hope. I have two young children and I feared I would never be able to play with them like I used to. The vertebrae infection took a toll on my body – I was very weak and fragile. It was crazy to think that just six months prior, I was in the best shape of my life training for my third marathon and now I could hardly walk, sit, move, or sleep without muscle spasms and pain. I will never forget how I felt when I sat down with Jason to tell him my story. I could instantly tell that he was putting the pieces together and that he had a plan, and he understood the complexity of my situation. Those first few sessions we progressed slowly and to my surprise and relief, my body was responding. After about four weeks I could feel my muscles getting stronger and working together. I did all the physical therapy exercises that Jason prescribed at home, almost every day, and saw incredible progress. I have so much gratitude for Jason and his approach for helping me recover. He once told me that physical therapy is 50% science, and 50% art – his art and his approach was the personal touch that I needed and what allowed me to recover. I am riding my new Peloton 5 days a week, taking strength classes, and I just signed up for my first race this summer! Thank you, Jason and the entire team, at SOPT!!!”

Watching Jacklyn progress from barely being able to walk into our clinic to being able to work out and run without pain or restriction was truly inspiring to all of us here at Specialized Orthopedic Physical Therapy!  We could not be prouder of the progress she has made.  We all felt that Jacklyn Ohara deserved to be named our Patient of the Month!

Need Help?

If you or someone you know is having trouble moving or enjoying the simpler things in life due to debilitating low back pain, then call our Warwick (401-384-6490) or North Kingstown (401-329-0050) office to make an appointment with one of our highly trained and skilled Physical Therapists today!

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