What’s New At SOPT? – We Are Still Open!

by Specialized Orthopedics April 13, 2020

We wanted to remind all of you that both of our offices are still open as we are still providing the outstanding Physical Therapy services you have all come to expect at both of our offices.  Our Warwick office is currently being staffed by Jason Ulisse, PT and Fernando (Freddy) Pinhancos, MSPT while our North Kingstown office is being staffed by Sean McCluskie, DPT.

Here are our current facility hours:

Warwick Office:

Mondays 7:00AM – 3:30PM

Tuesdays 7:00AM – 3:30PM

Thursdays 7:00AM – 4:30PM

North Kingstown Office:

Mondays 12:00-7:00PM

Wednesdays: 7:00AM – 5:00PM

Fridays 7:00AM-12:00PM 

We will expand these hours and available physical therapists as demand for services increases moving forward.

Our Current Policies & Procedures:

I want to take a moment to also explain how seriously we take the COVID-19 pandemic with our policies and procedures while continuing to operate our facilities on a part time basis.  Upon entering our facilities every person (staff or patients) are immediately tested for a fever using a temporal thermometer and then questioned for potential symptoms of COVID-19 and any recent travel.  All of our staff is properly masked (with a surgical mask) and is mandated to follow all CDC guidelines for hand washing or hand sanitizer usage.  We clean all objects and equipment after each patient contact and door handles are sanitized on an hourly basis.  All linens (pillow cases, towels) are washed after each individual use as well.  It is our goal and mandate to have the cleanest and safest offices in the state of RI.

We are also offering Telehealth services which all of our Physical Therapists are available to perform.  If you are a current patient and are interested in our telehealth services, please reach out directly to your physical therapist via email:

Jason Ulisse, PT – jason@soptri.com

Fernando Pinhancos, MSPT – freddy@soptri.com

Sylvie Le, DPT – sylvie@soptri.com

Ryan Collins, DPT – ryan@soptri.com

Kayleigh Macgregor, DPT – kayleigh@soptri.com

Sean McCluskie, DPT – sean@soptri.com

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