Dry Needling Can Instantly Improve Your Neck Range of Motion!
Do you have or have you ever experienced a stiff neck? Do you have chronic neck pain and headaches?
If you suffer from these symptoms, it could be simply coming from tight and overworked muscles in your neck. Check out this video of Kayleigh as she turns and side bends her head and neck before being Dry Needled. Next is the actual video of Dry Needling performed by one of our certified Physical Therapists, Jason Ulisse PT, followed by a third video of Kayleigh repeating the same motions. Pay particular attention to Kayleigh’s Right rotation and right side bending:
As you can see from the video, Kayleigh experienced and demonstrated significant improvement with right rotation and right side bending following Dry Needling of her left upper trap. We can conclude that some of her pain and stiffness was caused by Trigger Points or “knots” in her left upper trap.